Forest example

Closed 21 Jun 2019

Opened 14 Jun 2019


For over ten years Coillte has worked with the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin City Council, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, South Dublin County Council and representatives of outdoor recreation groups to promote recreation in the Dublin uplands through the Dublin Mountains Partnership. During this time we have seen visitor numbers climb to over 600,000 per year, making these forests some of the most visited outdoor attractions in the region.


bumblebee in lavender

Due to their proximity to the city, seven Coillte forests account for the vast majority of visits to the Dublin Uplands (Ticknock, Kilmashogue, Ballyedmonduff, Massey’s Wood, Hell Fire, Cruagh and Tibradden). These forests are currently managed on Coillte’s forest planning systems as commercial forests, however given their exceptionally high usage and our positive experience with the Dublin Mountains Partnership, Coillte has taken the decision to convert them to forests with the primary purpose of recreation and biodiversity.

Conversion from commercial forests to recreational forests will involve a mixture of continuous cover forestry (CCF) and removal of commercial species and replacement with non-commercial native tree species. The project is being jointly funded by Coillte and the three Dublin local authorities with grants for native woodland conversion being provided by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
